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Migrants integration

in France




We often hear about the Refugee Crisis in Europe and especially in France.


We all saw the #welcomerefugees or photos about the camps in Calais or even in Paris. However the different mechanisms aimed at helping integration remain blurred. 


After resarches, volunteering in those camps, talking to forced migrants, and many interviews with french and european initatives in various areas, but all trying to improve migrant's integration in their host or even transit country - France - the team of Black Sheep tried to sum up some of the most important hurdles migrants are facing, and what is offered to them. 


These schemes enumerates some interesting initiatives but remain uncomplete. We wish to make it longer and longer, as long as it stays efficient.



There are 3 different ways of being

protected in France

Subsidiary Protection​






  • In 2015, the global admission rate was 31.5% among which 23% granted by the OFPRA

  • 77% of these migrants obtained the refugee status, the other were admitted under subsidiary protection. Only 70 were recognized stateless.

  • The  most represented nationalites are Syrian, Iraqi, Afghan, Iranian, Rwandanese, from countries in the Horn of Africa and Mali.

Housing & Food
Employment & Education
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